Filmmaking Tips - Preparation- The Secret of the Pros. (Pitch it)
Filmmaking Tips
Pitch It.
" You don't have to do weeks of preparation,write pages of script and hire huge crews to make great videos, but most of people don't do any preparation * No thinking, No Planning, No Imagination they just pick up the camera and go*."
"Somewhere north of "nothing" and south of "everything" is the amount of Preparation that's right for your project."
When i heard a lot about "pitching" i thought and searched it about it in internet that what exactly is a pitching.
When you visit XYZ Production with script " The idea was to sell a movie concept by explaining it in several tightly written sentences to a bored executive who sits at desk listening all day to people pitching ideas. Seemed like a stupid idea to me. Why would I want to do that, when I'd already written a 100-page script ?
Can't they just read it?
Can't they just read it?
It eventually dawned on me that pitching was an exercise to help me. Nobody has time to listen to a long explanation- unless they already like the idea. If I could explain my movie in three sentences, the person who heard the pitch and liked it could then easily explain it to someone else in three sentences, and so on, until someone who heard the pitch liked it enough to actually read the script and make the movie.
But here's the surprise: Having to pitch the movie will made me a much better writer, because I had to really figure out what i was doing and it works the same way for a video.
"Video is garbage in, garbage out. If you're confused when you start, you'll be confused when you shoot, and the resulting video will be...... confused"
Think of it as your first step in planning process for any video more complex than "kids bouncing on a trampoline." The right pitch helps you attract collaborators and excite potential viewers. It can help sell friends on helping, bosses on letting you have the time or subjects to sit still for an interview.
Your goal is to summarize the video you're planning to make in a sentence or two. Most are pretty easy: Pranav first visit with Grandma and Grandpa" is pitch that should get your dad interested in watching - and it suggests a storyline to the parental visit that will help you focus your shooting.
Try This
Practice Pitching
"Head for YouTube or Vimeo and look
at a couple of much-viewed videos.
Can you pitch them?
Do the same for a recent or planned project
of yours. Try the pitches for your project
on some friends. Do they get it?
Don't worry about form unless it helps you. The real goal is a very short, intriguing way to explain your video, fast.
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