4 Common Mistakes Every Beginners Film Makers do

4 Common Mistakes Every Beginners Film Makers do!

In this blog i'll tell you some common mistake's that I have been doing and beginners film makers do.

  1. Bad Sound:- This mistake is very common in every beginner filmmakers do, if your lights,cinematography,location is good but your sound is not good it has disturbance your video have more noise than the dialogues, if your sound is not good then your video will not be tolerated by audience and your video will get turn off.

2.Not Taking Enough Shots:-  It's very important to take lot's of shot's of a single scene, if you don't take enough shot's for your video then in editing you'll repeat single shot many time which will become boring and will suck audience. 

3.Weak Story:-   In filmmaking first step is your story, if your story is not good all the equipments,animation,character will be of no  use. Your story should have goals so that your audience get stick to it till last. A successful video needs a story.

4.Fear from Failure:-  One who fear failure limit it's activities. Failure is only the opportunities to more intelligently begin again.


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