Filmmaking Tips - How to write Script? (Know your Story)

Filmmaking Tips 

Know your Story 

"We love story.We crave story.We remember story. Every Video, no matter how long or short,will be better if it tells a story."

When some one wants to tell you a story and they start with a words "It's about a...."We pay attention because we instinctively recognise a story is about to start. 

If you ask about a movie and your friend starts description with " It has good VFX , the acting was good , that scene was good" This sound like there was no story or person couldn't get the story of a movie.

Your story should have 4 elements:

  1.  A hero
  2. The Beginning
  3. The Middle
  4. The End

1. A Hero..

This element of your story tell that " Who" that video is about. Make your video on someone or something or some place. Always remember your story should have "Who" the video is for.

2. The Beginning..

It doesn't have to be complicated. In the beginning of any story. We introduce the Hero, tell where we are right now, and give some sense of where we're headed and why we are watching.

3. The Middle.. 

Next time when you see a movie always see during a middle of a story like if it is 90 min. movie turning point or starting of suspense building will get start near by 45 min. around . This part is major to make your audience watch till end. 

4. The Ending..

What do you want to leave your audience with? Ending should have some kind of resolution or closure.

Story structure makes video easier to understand. You don't have to work it all out in detail, and result doesn't have to be a feature - film  script. Without any extra work, practicing with the rhythm of story will help you shoot better video. 

" Take an example of Titanic Movie in the begging of movie Character's were introduced  that tell "who" it cover's first element of scripting"** Rose was telling her story**

Then in second the titanic ship and it's journey shows and how jack and rose got introduced to each other. " The Beginning" 

"The Middle"turning point of movie that how ship got accident with the iceberg,jack got arrested, how he manage to escape. These all incident left audience in suspense.

and at last the ending which every one know but important part is how your ending should be, what effect will it leave on audience.


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