
Showing posts from September, 2017

Story Basics Script Writing Part 3 ( STORY BEATS )

( STORY BEATS ) " I believe, one's choices in film-making always reflect one's essential spirit, the values one holds within one self, one belief, one's convictions, hopes, fears, and anxieties, one's social and personal concerns, and one's artistic sensibility."                                                                                                      - Govind Nihalani (Film Director) Source:- Director Diaries Book by-Rakesh Anand Bakshi ***********************************************************************  In the previous blog of screen writing I mentioned about Logline, Now in all the three act of Logline, the components in the three act's of logline, in all the act there is something which happens to be the turning point of story, moves story in different direction that turning point is called *STORY BEATS.*  The term Beat's in the film-making describe all kind of thing, that makes pr

Film Making Tips Screen Writing Basic(2) LOGLINE and Classical Story Structure

Screen Writing Basic(2)  "LOGLINE" In this blog, I’m going to tell you about some classic story writing methods, How you can make your story perform better. *Start your story with a protagonist.* What is a Protagonist? A protagonist is a person or a character audience most identifies with, the biggest arc of the movie, make story moves forward. As in the previous blog of Story Writing in which I mentioned three most important thing to write a script. 1. A Person  2. Goals  3. Obstacles  The fourth most important thing is LOGLINE. Logline itself contains 3 things. 1. A protagonist  2. An Objective  3. Obstacles.  Logline can also be called as Pitching. Classical Story Structure consists of    ACT 1 (25%) Beginning  ACT 2 (50%) Middle  ACT 3 (25%) End  In ACT 1 A protagonist starts the story in which actor gets an objective then in ACT 2 Actor try to solve the problem at the end ACT 3 Actor complete that objective or not able to solve.